Comic-Con Survival Guide
What is a comic-con and why is it such fun?
Initially comic-cons used to be events focusing on comic books and comic book culture, however, nowadays comic-cons cover a multi-genre entertainment such as films, TV and gaming and have made being ‘geeky’ cool.
A comic-con is a brief escape from reality where pop culture, i.e. sci-fi, superheroes, zombies, fantasy, etc., can be experienced all in one room. You can meet guests from the world of film and TV as well as seeing attractions to admire and interact with.
There are geeky traders selling everything from art to collectables - items that you simply will not be able to find on the high street. People of all ages can come along in costume, maybe of their favourite film or comic book character, as it is opportunity to show off your geeky side. Unleashed Events host nationwide comic-cons and we just get bigger and better every year!
Top Tips:
Getting Ready:
- You may be excited but get as much sleep as you can the day before, comic-cons can be tiring.
- Take cash. Not all traders will take card, but they all accept cash.
- Make sure your phone is fully charged so you can contact your friends if you get separated.
- Give yourself plenty of time to get there and back in case of issues.
- Take a camera, trust us there will be plenty of oppourtunites to use them.
- If your costume is skin tight consider dance pants or a cup.
- Bring a change of t-shirt if you are costuming so you can travel home comfortably.
- Plan where you can get changed into costume, not everywhere will offer changing facilities.
- Bring a backpack to carry all your stuff. There will not always be a cloakroom.
- Set a budget.
At the Event:
- Stay hydrated. Hydration is important as inside the convention centre it can often get very warm. Pack plenty of water or be sure to know where to source some on the day.
- Wear comfy shoes - you will be on your feet for most of the day.
- Dress in layers. You may start the day cold but ensuring you can lose layers as you warm up will help.
- Take your time and look around before deciding what to buy.
- Have a guest you want to meet or a photograph session booked? Make sure you know where they are in plenty of time so you don't miss out.
- If there is an itinerary of the day available, grab one or take a photo. Planning is key.
- Ask cosplayers before taking photographs.
- Wear deodorant/anti-perspirant. It can get very warm and sweaty at comic-cons, make sure to be prepared - Hygiene is important!
- Be polite. Manners cost nothing.
- Respect each other, respect boundaries and respect peoples choice of outfit.
- Clean up and bin your rubbish, it's only polite.
- If you want to enter the cosplay competition, sign up first, then enjoy the rest of your day.
- Be prepared to queue. Photo ops, guest signings, attractions, all these can come with queues, so make sure to be prepared.
Remember it is okay to be yourself, be the individual that stands out in the crowd. Comic-cons are for everyone and are all inclusive. Do what makes you comfortable.